Literally just minutes after I finished my previous blog entry I was caught. Right now I am as they say rotting the rest of my life away in prison. If only people would listen to me. Oh right I forgot the best part. I'm in a cell with no one but the infamous Borachio. Great. Just my luck I would be put with this low life. All day I just hear him complaining. I wish I could just get out of prison. Maybe they will. I mean I am the Prince's brother after all. And besides now there are rumors going around the cells saying that my brother has finally chosen a wife. GOOD FOR HIM! I hope I'm out in time to at least see that. I wonder, if I do get out of here, will I ever find a wife of my own?
I hate being on the run. I wish I could just go home and be with the people I grew up with. I would love to see Claudio and Hero get married. It would have given me great pleasure. And now I'm starting to hear rumors in the neighboring town that Beatrice and Benedick are getting married as well. Say it isn't so! I could have sworn they both said that they hated each other and would always swear by that. Well I shouldn't doubt it they are around my brother. That;s another thing, my brother should get married. I would be very happy to see that but of course I would probably be in jail by that time.
I'm not denying that I was in on the plan. What I'm saying is that I was forced to do it by Borachio. He told me that if I didn't lead my brother and Claudio to the alley to see Borachio having sex with "Hero" that he was going to do very bad things to me. I'm seen as the bad guy because of him, he makes me do everything. It's not always evil things though, literally everything. It's like I'm his personal slave or something. I actually just got done doing his laundry. But look who's in prison now, that's right HE IS. I'm not doing so good either though, I"m actually on the run. I don't want to but confronted by my brother at this time. I want the situation to die down a little.
I can't even begin to comprehend why people say that I'm the evil one. I mean it wasn't even my plan to ruin the marriage. I'm not the evil one, if anything I should really be considered Borachio's henchman. Borachio was the one who created the plan for the marriage; he planned to sleep with Margret who was role playing as Hero. If I was really evil I would have been the one to sleep with Margret. That would have been a slap in the face to everyone involved in the marriage though. Sure I said that I would rather be a canker in a hedge than a rose in my brother's grace but I mean seriously? He could probably get away with murder and all I have to do is sneeze then the whole city goes crazy. I'm just as innocent as Conrade, he had nothing to do with anything. Jeez these people in Messina really need to get their priorities straight.